
Outreach – 7/15/2015 – 707

God had empowered you to make a difference in someone’s life today. Allow His love to shine through and encourage someone on their journey! It will make a difference in your life too!


Outreach – 7/14/2015 – 706

Do you know, you can be a Christian, be Spirit filled, love the Word, call yourself a Charismatic believer and not be weird or spooky pooky? Jesus hung out with the non religious crowd, had great impact on their lives and truly wasn’t weird! Let’s share what we have with the have nots!


Outreach – 5/13/2015 – 653

Secularism has slowly crept into the body of Christ. I recently read that Christianity in America is on the decline. Just in recent years Christianity in America has dropped from 78% to 70%. We continue to try and perfect one another “the work of the Holy Spirit” instead of focusing on those who don’t know...


Outreach – 4/29/2015 – 641

Challenge for today! Most people want to receive all of God’s unconditional love and grace for themselves. Let’s not forget to give that love and grace to others! Especially to ones we think don’t deserve it!


Outreach – 3/7/2015 – 600

There is no such thing as “bad people”, just bad thinking, which produces bad actions. God loves everyone unconditionally! Display His love to someone today!


Outreach – 10/23/2014 – 520

If you believe Jesus is still the answer for the world today then share this with all your friends. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send his son into the world to...