April 29, 2015April 29, 2015by Stephen McIntoshin Outreach0Challenge for today! Most people want to receive all of God’s unconditional love and grace for themselves. Let’s not forget to give that love and grace to others! Especially to ones we think don’t deserve it!Related Teachings:Victory - 5/21/2018 - 1554Outreach - 7/25/2019 - 1908Love - 9/5/2012 - 186Victory - 10/26/2015 - 794Wisdom - 5/10/2013 - 289Fear - 5/9/2013 - 288Love - 5/14/2016 - 947Outreach - 9/20/2015 - 765Patience - 11/26/2013 - 365Emotions - 12/10/2014 - 543