
Outreach – 7/30/2017 – 1304

Many people think of ministry as “out there” or some special calling! However, ministry is all around us! Jesus did so much of his ministry one on one. Don’t fall into condemnation because you feel like you’re doing nothing! Open your eyes to all the opportunities around you on a daily basis!


Outreach – 1/24/2017 – 1155

This is one of the greatest times in history to reach those who do not believe yet! The way others will know we belong to Christ is through the love we have for one another! Shine on! Jn. 13:35


Outreach – 12/20/2016 – 1131

There is no place where His love and light does not shine! “TO SHINE UPON THOSE WHO SIT IN DARKNESS AND THE SHADOW OF DEATH, TO GUIDE OUR FEET IN THE WAY OF PEACE.”