
Relationship – 8/25/2016 – 1028

When people judge you wrong, remember God only sees you as He saw Jesus, His beloved, and He is well pleased! ……”This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” Matt. 3:17


Relationship – 8/20/2016 – 1024

Grace receives you where you are on your journey regardless of your theology, race or background! It never divides or rejects! Grace is here for you today! Receive all He has for you!


Relationship – 4/11/2016 – 922

Don’t take on someone else’s offense. The Greek word offense in Matt. 18:7 refers to a trap. Satan loves for us to take the bait and fall into the trap of offense. It’s that place where love ceases to flow out of our lives and we become dull of hearing. “Take” is the key word...


Relationship – 11/24/2015 – 817

If the people you hang with keep pulling you down instead of bringing you up, it’s time to find new friends! “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another”. Prob. 27:17.


Relationship – 11/12/2015 – 808

One of the biggest lies of the enemy, is to try and convince you, you are alone! Don’t fall for his trickery! Jesus said, “I will never leave or forsake you!” Heb. 13:5


Relationship – 6/22/2015 – 687

Prayer, for the most part is simply hanging out with the Lord! Be conscious today that He is living in you! He never leaves or forsakes you! Not only talk to Him, but listen! He has some wonderful things to share with you!