
Grace – 7/19/2016 – 998

When Jesus said, “it is finished”. The war between an angry God against sin ended! God’s wrath was completely appeased by the work of Christ! Receive this Good news today! You are totally forgiven, loved, and complete in Him!


Grace – 6/13/2016 – 970

God’s faithfulness and goodness is not based on your performance but on what Jesus did! “If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself.” 2 Tim. 2:13


Grace – 2/12/2016 – 878

The enemy will lie to you and try and convince you your not worthy to receive from God. Just remind him, it’s not about your worthiness, but Jesus!


Grace – 2/4/2016 – 871

The law and people will always disqualify you! Grace will always lead you to God’s destiny! Listen to His grace, not what others may say!


Grace – 11/10/2015 – 806

God’s grace is more than sufficient for your yesterday, today and forever! “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and for ever.! Heb. 13:8