December 22, 2016December 22, 2016by Stephen McIntoshin Relationship0You are no longer an orphan or outcast because of the birth of Jesus! You are a son and daughter of the most high! “But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, He gave the right to become children of God”. Jn. 1:12Related Teachings:Fear - 5/27/2016 - 957Mind - 5/26/2016 - 956Relationship - 8/18/2016 - 1022Relationship - 6/22/2017 - 1274Relationship - 10/13/2016 - 1074Relationship - 6/19/2017 - 1271Favor - 6/10/2016 - 969Relationship - 6/20/2017 - 1272Righteousness - 10/9/2018 - 1670Relationship - 8/25/2016 - 1028