
Religion – 10/9/2015 – 782

Religion has killed and driven more people away from God, “although He has never moved”! True Grace brings life and draws people into a loving relationship with God and others! Discover His grace “Jesus” for you today!’


Religion – 7/13/2015 – 705

Religion is so deceptive. It’s based on performance and works. It appeals to the flesh and not the Spirit. Anything that is not based on what Jesus did for us is a religious mindset.


Religion – 5/19/2015 – 661

Grace is a true unveiling of God’s heart! If you’ve been blessed to have the revelation of His Grace, you are truly blessed! Although it is always there, religion has blinded so many people from seeing God’s true nature.


Religion – 5/7/2015 – 649

Religion is very subtle. It’s like a small piece of spinach stuck in your teeth. Others notice, but you don’t even know it’s there unless a good friend tells you or you look into the mirror. Examine yourself in the perfect mirror of Jesus and His Word everyday to make sure none is stuck on...


Religion – 4/25/2015 – 636

Your new identity “in Christ” has set you free from a works mentality! In fact, in Christ you no longer have a Carnal nature, “fleshly” but a new nature! Religion wants to add works to everything. It tries to make you perfect in order to receive. The focus becomes on you, instead of Jesus! Grace...


Religion – 3/10/2015 – 602

Religion builds walls and forms opinions on who’s worthy and who’s not to receive from God. Jesus came to tear down the walls! The Lord restores and heals all who call on Him! Don’t allow walls to be built in our lives. Let’s reach everyone with THE GOOD NEWS!


Religion – 12/30/2014 – 552

I believe one of greatest enemies for the Christian is religion. It has caused more wars, doubts, fears and has taken away from Christ’s finished work. Don’t get caught in its snare! It will devour you.


Religion – 7/31/2014 – 478

Religion, binds, adds works, brings fears, divides, and is never satisfied. Grace, frees, rests, brings peace, unites, and is always giving, not taking! Jesus is our grace!